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J. Hafkesbrink, Kulenovic, D. , und Bachem, C. , Contextual Ambidexterity and individual Competencies for Exploration and Exploitation in Small and Medium sized Enterprises - empirical Results from Case Studies in the German New Media Industry , Paper submitted to the XXIII ISPIM Conference 17-20 June 2012, Action for Innovation: Innovating from Experience, Barcelona, 2011.
J. Hafkesbrink, Bachem, C. , und Kulenovic, D. , Contextual Ambidexterity and individual Competencies for Exploration and Exploitation in Small and Medium sized Enterprises - empirical Results from Case Studies in the German New Media Industry, in Flexibilität und Stabilität in der Verlags- und Medienbranche - Konzepte beidhändiger Unternehmensstrategien. Schriften zu Kooperations- und Mediensystemen. Band 34, Köln: Hafkesbrink, J.; Shire, K., 2013, S. 65-170.